of the Child
All legislations for protection of child rights have to take categorical
and unambiguous position on children’s rights, ensuring State commitment and
obligation to provide all structures, institutions and processes for delivering
services to children
is unanimity on the importance of protecting children and their right to freedom
and dignity. It was enshrined in the Constitution of India. Yet there have been
gross violations of children’s rights since independence and serious gaps in
the delivery of services for children. There is a need therefore to understand
the core principles for delivering services to children and an adherence to a
rights based perspective. Recent enactments, such as the right to education act
and protection of children from sexual offences have been child centric clearly
emphasizing the rights of children. Some policies like the Integrated Child
Development Scheme (ICDS) and Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) have also
shown that decentralisation and involvement of the community and civil society
as equal partners with the government are important components for effective
realisation of children’s rights.
Provisions for Children in Constitution of India
framers of Constitution of India recognised the importance of secure childhood
and protection of children’s rights as crucial component s for laying the foundations of India’s democracy. Therefore
Article 39 (f) of Directive Principles of State Policy of the Constitution
stated that ‘children are given opportunities and facilities to develop in a
healthy manner and in conditions of freedom and dignity and that childhood and
youth are protected against exploitation and against moral and material abandonment.’
the values of social justice it stated “that the health and strength of
workers, men and women, and the tender age of children are not abused and that citizens
are not forced by economic necessity to enter avocations unsuited to their age
or strength”. Further, recognising the importance of right to education,
Article 45 commits that “The State shall endeavour to provide, within
a period of ten years from the commencement of the Constitution, for free and
compulsory education for all children until they complete the age of fourteen
years”. In fact it is the only article in the Constitution that makes a time
bound commitment.
a rights based perspective is essentially universal, the framers of the
Constitution recognised the need for affirmative action and thus in Article
46 it is stated that “The State shall promote with special care the
educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people and, in
particular, of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, and shall protect
them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation.”
crystallisation of this guiding principle of equality and social justice was
possible in the charged atmosphere of independence from colonial subjugation,
in which the liberation of each and every citizen in India, including children,
was the paramount objective. This goal of extricating children from the world
of oppression and exploitation was seen as an important and achievable aim requiring
actualisation through law, policy, investment and community mobilisation. Over
time, however, the issue of the child facing oppression and adversity has not captured
the imagination of those in power and authority. Societal concerns drifted away
from the child’s well being and the interests and rights of children were not seen
as integral to the nation building tasks of development and democracy in India.
Status of Children - Daily Lives
more than 60 years of independence it has been found that there are still many
gaps in children having their access to all their entitlements. Contemporary times
have intensified the dangers to childhood and have been extraordinarily harsh
to many children in our country. More and more children are vulnerable and marginalised
today. Having no food to eat, and little or no health support, they live
precariously, experiencing hunger daily
and suffering malnourishment, their lives claimed tragically by infant and
child mortality. Older children are being trafficked and are working as migrant
child labour, usually away from their homes. Children travel long distances
across States. Networks for trafficking children exist from one end of the
country to another, from Manipur to Chennai, Bihar to Punjab, Kerala,
Rajasthan, Orissa to Mumbai and Gujarat. On their way to work and even in the work
places, it is an undisputed fact that children are subject to abuse, torture
and gross exploitation. Even children, who remain in their own communities and
are at work, are victims of cruel market forces and lack access to State services
and protective schemes. Child marriage, child trafficking and discrimination
against girls remain crucial challenges. There is a growing number of children being
affected and infected with HIV and AIDS, displacement due to natural disasters
and civil unrest representing a new generation, of hazards a child faces in
this country.
witness a deficit in childhood in every respect having a profound impact on
children. Having no access to basic nutritional and health entitlements they
grow up stunted, malnourished and live precariously. Being deprived of
education, they lack in confidence and self-esteem. They are trapped in the
labour pool in the informal sector performing jobs that are repetitive,
monotonous with no possibility of any other mobility, or opportunities that can
give them dignity. Their options in market and employment are only on a casual
basis as a daily worker, migrant labourer or as bonded labourers.
Principles of Child Centric Policies and Laws
on its experience, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights
(NCPCR) has evolved an understanding of the core principles that have to be
adhered to in formulating policies and delivering services, adjudication of
justice for children, as well as making legislations for children. Thus, for
example, five essential management principles, viz. decentralisation,
flexibility, institution building processes, convergence and listening
to children and their voices should inform and guide formulation of policies
and delivering of services. This would enable ownership by the gram panchayats
and the community of the programme to protect children and where they would be
involved in addressing the needs of each and every child. It would also entail
solutions to the problem based on local context and dealing with the matter
with a sense of urgency. Therefore a rigid centrally sponsored scheme with
directions from an approved budget line may not always be a suitable solution.
All actions are to be institutionalised and taken up in a predicable manner and
not in an ad hoc fashion. Also, considering that entitlements to health,
nutrition, education and so on are mutually interdependent it is necessary that
the concerned departments do not function in silos but converge their plans and
services at least at the level of block and district.
regarding the process of rendering of justice to children there is a need for
special measures at every stage of adjudication that deals with child victims and
witnesses, i.e., children in contact with law and children in need of care and
protection. This would require the introduction of child jurisprudence, a child
focused procedure code, a well trained cadre of the judiciary on child
rights, and adequate space and opportunity for children to seek justice
under humane and ‘child friendly’ circumstances. Children are to remain
protected and not further victimised where maintenance of dignity, privacy and
safety of the child shall be of central concern at every stage of adjudication.
Child centered jurisprudence should also provide for reformative and
restitutive justice.
legislations for protection of child rights have to take categorical and
unambiguous position on children’s rights, ensuring State commitment and obligation
to provide all structures, institutions and processes form delivering services
to children. The legislations are to adhere to principles of universality as against
targeting equity and social justice to cover all children up to 18 years of
age. Special provisions for affirmative action for the disadvantaged children
are to be included in all legislations, in the framework of rights and
universal coverage. Many of these principles that are based on rights based
perspective have been incorporated in some of the recent legislations such as the
right to education act or the act to protect children from sexual offences.
Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 RTE Act)
Thus after the enactment of RTE Act, education
is now guaranteed as a fundamental right for all children in the 6-14
years age group up to the elementary school level (class 8). By making it
mandatory for the State to ‘ensure compulsory admission, attendance,
and completion of elementary education by every child of 6-14 years by
implication, the State is violating the law if any child is out of
school, or is a school dropout’. According to the Act free education means
that no financial constraints can prevent a child from completing elementary education.
In other words if a child lives in a remote area, the provision of free
transportation (or residential facility or some other facility) will be
part of the child’s entitlement to education. Such entitlements include special
aids for children with disabilities.
RTE Act also seeks to remedy the structural deficiencies that have pushed
children out of schools. The Act now mandates the provisioning of infrastructure
facilities to address the situation of government schools which are currently
bursting at their seams with overcrowded classrooms. It guarantees qualified
teachers at a teacher pupil ratio (TPR) of 1: 30 at primary school and 1:35
at an upper primary school level. For all those older children who are out
of school, the Act mandates that there is a special training by the
schools to integrate them into an age appropriate class. Further they could be
admitted at any time during an academic session without producing
documents of birth certificate, transfer certificate and the like. It
explicitly addresses discrimination on the basis of caste, gender, disability,
ill-health and other grounds, providing that ‘no child shall be subjected to
physical punishment or mental harassment’. The Act also promotes a child friendly
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012
newly enacted ‘Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012’ has
several features that are child centred. The Act incorporates child friendly procedures
for reporting, recording of evidence, investigation and trial of offences.
These include: recording the statement of the child at the residence of the
child or at the place of his/her choice, preferably by a woman police officer; non
detention of children in the police station in the night for any reason;
police officer not to be in uniform while recording the statement of the child
and the statement of the child to be recorded as spoken by the child where a
child could be provided assistance of an interpreter or translator or an expert
as per the need of the child. Even the medical examination of the child
is to be conducted in the presence of the parent of the child or any other person
in whom the child has trust or confidence. The Act provides for the
establishment of Special Courts for trial of offences under the Act, where the
trial is conducted either in camera or through video and, the child is
protected from facing the accused.
speedy trial, the Act provides for the evidence of the child to recorded within
a period of 30 days. Also, the Special Court is to complete the trial within a
period of one year, as far as possible. There are to be frequent breaks for the
child during trial and child is not to be called repeatedly to testify. The child
is not to be seeing the accused during the process of trial and there can be in-camera
trial of cases. For the more heinous offences of penetrative sexual assault,
the burden of proof is shifted on the accused. This provision has been made
keeping in view the greater vulnerability and innocence of children. There are
also measures for relief and rehabilitation of the child for care and
protection such as admitting the child into shelter home or to the nearest
hospital within twenty-four hours of the report. The SJPU or the local police
are also required to report the matter to the Child Welfare Committee
within 24 hours of recording the complaint, for long term rehabilitation
of the child. The best interest of the child is of paramount importance at
every stage of the judicial process.
the RTE Act as well as the sexual offences Act, the National Commission for
Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) and State Commissions for the
Protection of Child Rights (SCPCRs) have been made the designated authority
to monitor the implementation of the Acts.
Child Rights perspective in Policies and Programmes
principle of universality and a sense of urgency is being adhered to in all
interim orders issued by the Supreme Court, its directives for providing services
to combat hunger and malnourishment in “PUCL vs. Union of India and
Others, Writ Petition (Civil) 196 of 2001” that sought legal enforcement of
right to food. It is hoped that the restructured Integrated Child Development
Scheme (ICDS) programme would incorporate all the gains made in the
litigation such as anganwadi centres in every habitation and on demand, hot
cooked meals, and a midday meal programme. The ICDS hopefully would now entail
greater decentralisation, giving better physical infrastructure, additional anganwadi
workers, greater role for community and local bodies and more investments.
This, in turn, would shift the trend of hunger and malnourishment, to correcting
the health and nutrition deficit of children in India. The Integrated Child
Protection Scheme (ICPS) is being rolled out in all States and the
districts and this holds a promise of offering universal coverage of protective
measures for children in difficult circumstances, as well as to reduce the
risks and vulnerabilities children have in various situations and actions that
lead to abuse, neglect, exploitation, abandonment and separation of children.
It is envisaged that there are institutional arrangements through the ICPS up to
the level of the village to foster coordination of services through various
departments as well as the juvenile justice system. Hopefully every
child is tracked and incidences of child labour and child trafficking would
come to a halt due to the ICPS. The challenge is in deepening the services and building
a public awareness on the institutions and facilities available to children.
can be said that since the last decade one is witness to a change in
the perspective on children with a visible shift from an APPROACH of charity to
that of rendering justice
to children by guaranteeing their rights. There is a need for a ground swell of
support and an enabling environment for an effective implementation of such laws
and policies.
Shantha Sinha, is Chairperson, National Commission for Children's Protection
& Child Rights, New Delhi.
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